And by the way, I predicted your number was FIVE!!!!!!! Amazing right?
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A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…SITH LORD TRAINING

The Sith is an order almost as old as the Jedi. Its founder was a Jedi Knight who saw the truth, he knew that ignoring the Darkside of the Force was foolish. He defied the temple itself and forced others to join the order. The only mistake the Sith made was that they allowed their members to be too powerful that they plotted against each other and killed each other. The Last Sith was the smartest of all. His rules were Only Two. Only two Sith are allowed to exist at one time.


Darth Sidious is a mysterious Sith Master who works with his apprentice Darth Maul. Darth Sidious mission is to take over the entire galaxy. Working patiently, he has been using his power to slowly end the Republic and destroy the Senate. He has also trained his apprentice Darth Maul very well. When Maul was still young he told him to do things like RUN UP A WALL AND FLIP AND LAND ON HIS FEET, RUN UP THE SHEER ICY SLOPE OF A MOUNTAIN AND COME DOWN AT TOP SPEED, AND FIGHT HIM WITH A LIGHTSABER. Sidious gives punishments to Lord Maul whenever he makes a mistake or fails to carry out a mission. Anger is a living thing. Feed it and it will grow He has drilled single-mindedness and hatred to his apprentice from an early age. Turn your fear to anger, Maul Now when his apprentice works, he uses his physical and intellectual abilities to execute his missions of assassination, snatching and interrogating people. Sidious and Darth Maul also use the Dark Side of the Force in guiding them and moving anything they want. Because of Darth Sidious training, Darth Maul can be an invicible enemy, even to the Jedi. Do NOT underestimate the Jedi. Even though they have a fatal flaw, they are formidable.
What is their fatal flaw, Master?

The Sith Lords are merciless, almost nothing can stop their fate of controlling the galaxy.


Like the Jedi, the Sith also prefer the use of a Light Saber, a laser powered sword that cuts harder than steel. Although other, Handy Weapons like Blasters or Ray guns, Bombs and Booby Traps are used by the Sith Lords, Light Sabers, in the hands of a skilled warrior can come up against the most deadly weapons in the universe. The Light Saber can parry and attack and defend. The shots of a Blaster can be bounced by parrying it quickly with the Light Saber.


The Field Agent of Darth Sidious. His HARD training with his Master has made him a brilliant fighter. He wields a Double-Ended Light Saber. Although the Double Ended Light Saber can be more deadly to the wielder than the opponent. In the hands of Darth Maul, it is a whirling vortex of lethal energy. The Jedi will be frightened when they meet Darth Maul.

SPEEDER BIKE Darth Mauls speeder bike is retrofitted with a powerful ignition system that allows him to travel at maximum speed. He did not retrofit put weapons on his Speeder because, he prefers DIRECT ASSAULT with a Light Saber, Blasters, Bombs, Traps and other weapons.

WRIST COMLINK Darth Maul wears his stainless steel Wrist Comlink at all times. He is ready to receive orders from his Master always. There are codes that allow him to activate Probe Droids, Arm Traps and even Detonate Bombs.

PROBE DROIDS Probe Droids are needed for searching the enemy especially in secret operations. The Comlink receives a signal whenever his prey is located or when a droid self-destructs at a particular area.

SITH INFILTRATOR Darth Mauls spacecraft is called the Sith Infiltrator. It has weapons built on it and has a cloaking device that allows him to travel thru stealth from any infrared detectors.

Darth Sidious has also taught his apprentice to Never break a fall, if you are prepared to break a fall , you are prepared for the fall itself. Sith do not fall. They do not fail.

Do you have any other revenge and fighting techiniques as LETHAL and CREATIVE as the Sith? Just email me at I will love to hear it from you. And you might receive a reward!

This is one of my favorite images

This is one of my favorite images

Toy Cars
And by the way, I predicted your number was FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! amazing right?
Golf Equipment
I enjoy playing golf but I don't have enough golf balls. I also need gloves, we can't seem to find on that fits me.


$$$$ is always good.
I can always use good clothes, not my most favorite thing but I know it will make my mom and dad happy.


Can't get enough candies.
Computer Games
I need to update my collection of computer games.

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