STAR WARS EPISODE III release date:2005
Let's Talk.
Last Update April, 2001

Last Update April, 2001

Here’s the way We want Star Wars Episode III to go. George Lucas said that Episode III is gonna be a dark story, but at the same time, it will have great visual effects and action scenes.

This story the way we want Episode III. It is gonna be a perfect movie if our expectations will be seen in the movie.

There is something BAD happening in the Senate, the Clonetroopers of Chancellor Palpatine are no longer obeying the laws of the Republic.
The few members of the Jedi council need help. They decide to contact Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine. Anakin was told to leave the Jedi because he broke the code of marriage. Anakin is living with his pregnant wife, Padme who also retired from service to the Republic. Obi Wan goes to the Skywalker Homestead and also meets Owen and Beru Lars. Owen disagrees that Anakin will have to go. Padme tells Anakin “Maybe you can at least serve the Republic for one last time, Anakin”. The next day Anakin leaves with Padme giving him the medallion he carved out of Japor Snippet for good luck. Anakin and Obi Wan leave for Coruscant. Anakin and Obi Wan go before the Jedi council. They said that they discover the rebel army and the Clone troopers are lead by Darth Tyranus and Tyranus is secretly being supervised by somebody else. The Naboo system gets invaded. Padme hears about this, and wants to know if her family is safe. Padme contacts the Council and Yoda, Obi Wan and Mace Windu decide NOT to tell Anakin because he can easily be consumed by the Dark Side now. The three Jedi agree. For Padmes safety, they decide to move her off Tatooine and take her to Alderaan. Palpatine is allowed to conduct the war the way he wants to and has unlimited authority for the sake of the Republic. Anakin leads an Armada of Naboo Starfighters provided for him to attack the Confederation forces at the skies of Naboo. Obi Wan suddenly contacts Anakin and Anakin asks where Padme is. Obi Wan will NOT tell him. Anakin gets angry at Obi Wan and leaves the Armada alone. He goes to the Council but the Jedi will still NOT tell him where Padme is.

Anakin talks to Palpatine and tells them how they can NOT be trusted. Palpatine pretends to be concerned about Anakin. Through a spy of Palpatine, Anakin finds out the Padme is on Alderaan. Anakin goes on to find Padme on Alderaan. While he is traveling, he is told by Palpatine that he doubts the motives of the Jedi council and whether the Order will be trusted by the Galaxy.

Palpatine wears a cloak and a hood ready for his Darth Sidious disguise. He contacts Count Dooku and tells him to bring the Clonetroopers to Alderaan. “Begin landing your troopers to Alderaan.” Dooku tells Sidious that he has killed almost every major population in Naboo including the Gungans.

Then, there is a scene on Naboo where Jar Jar is possibly the only Gungan who survived. The planet is smoking and people are running all over, while Jar Jar is just walking. ”Disen not good!”. Jar Jar and the remaining survivors of Naboo can only watch the damage when the Confederation forces leave.

Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia, Bail Organa and his wife decide to take Padme and the twins together. C3PO & R2D2 also come along. Obi Wan arrives and tells Padme that her two children are safe taken away from her. Padme agrees. Bail Organa take Leia and Padme is taken to Malastare for safety. Padme is very, very sick from giving birth to twins and decides to rest on Malastare. The forces lead by Dooku attack Alderaan, and almost every beautiful spot on the planet has been destroyed. Obi Wan takes Luke to Owen Lars family and tells him to let Luke go when he will start looking for his destiny, Owen disagrees and says that the Jedi have only cursed his family. Anakin finds that Padme is missing, he is doubting that Obi Wan took her and hid her from him again.

Anakin tracks Padme and finds her on Malastare. He is happy to see Padme and the Droids again. Anakin asks where have they taken the new Skywalker babies. Padme lies and tells him that they tried to hide them from him on Coruscant.

Anakin believes Padme and goes to Coruscant. In the orbit, Anakin meets at least 9 Confederation ships that attempt to kill him, but he kills them all first anyway.

On the Temple, Yoda has left and secretly goes to Dagobah because he has no choice that the prophecy will come true. The Jedi will be destroyed by the Dark Side. Mace handles the remaining Jedi. Darth Sidious and 20 Super Assassin Droids kill the rest of the Jedi council members. When Anakin arrives, he finds nothing.

And on Alderaan, the forces led by Bail Organa fight to save the planet from the Clonetroopers lead by Darth Sidious and Count Dooku.

Later, Dooku tells Anakin that Padme is dead. Dooku said that he traced Anakin on Malastare and assassinated Padme. Anakin figths and kills Dooku. Obi Wan arrives and Anakin blames him for Padmes “death”. When Obi Wan figts Anakin, Anakin gets badly injured and falls on the pit, Darth Sidious/Palpatine arrives and levitates Anakin, he electrocutes Obi Wan .Obi Wan is left weak and stays on the spot lying down, then he keeps Anakins Light Saber that he disarmed in the duel. Anakin is transformed into a robot, Darth Vader. The doctors who revived Anakin were killed by Palpatine to ensure secrecy. Darth Vader is given a red Light Saber and is told by the Emperor that they will rule the galaxy together. Obi Wan and Padme meet and CUT TO Obi Wan walking on Tatooine where there is a VOICE OVER of Obi Wan saying “We will win, the galaxy will be safe with your children”. The Skywalker-Theme is good at this scene.. Then PAN to the stars and END CREDITS

And by the way, I don’t think its nice to see Padme die in the movie, maybe Padme will die of some decease after the movie after giving birth to twins; they don’t have to show it.

Hey, so what do you think? That can be a dramatic story, and a perfect one! It might even win an Oscar. Hey George Lucas, if you are out there, please email me at: You’re the best!!!

Lance Smith
